
Saturday 28 October 2023

Write an Essay on Dylan Thomas’s Treatment of Childhood in ‘Fern Hill’?

    Dylan Thomas's poem 'Fern Hill' is a nostalgic and evocative exploration of childhood and the passage of time. The poem is set on a farm in Wales, and describes the speaker's memories of his childhood spent there. Throughout the poem, Thomas employs vivid and sensory language to create a rich and detailed portrait of childhood, and to explore the themes of innocence, loss, and the passage of time.

Saturday 14 October 2023

Give an Account of the Major Themes of “Oroonoko”.

    Aphra Behn's “Oroonoko” is a novella that tells the story of an African prince who is captured and enslaved by the British. The novella is a complex work that explores a variety of themes, including love, honor, power, and identity. 

What is an Inciting Incident, and how do I find one in "Lord of the Flies"?

    In storytelling, the inciting incident is the event or situation that sets the story in motion. It is the moment that disrupts the status quo and forces the protagonist to take action. In "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, the inciting incident is the plane crash that strands a group of British schoolboys on a deserted island. This event sets the story in motion and forces the boys to confront their own primal and violent tendencies as they struggle to survive.

Analysis of the Poem “Chimney Sweeper” by William Blake.

    William Blake's poem "The Chimney Sweeper" is a powerful critique of the social and economic conditions of England in the late 18th century. It is a poem about the humiliating manipulate of organized religion on society. The poem tells the story of a young boy who has been sold into chimney sweeping by his father. The boy is forced to work long hours in dangerous and unhealthy conditions, and his innocence and childhood are taken away from him. Blake can be understand to condemn the view of the Church that through work and hardship, reward in the next time would be attained; this outcome in an acceptance of development experiential in the closing lines 'if all do their duty they need not fear damage.

Wednesday 11 October 2023

Write about the use of Imagery in the Poem ‘Felix Randal’.

    Gerard Manley Hopkins' poem "Felix Randal" is a sonnet that explores themes of death, suffering, and redemption. The poem is renowned for its vivid and powerful imagery, which creates a sense of the physical and emotional pain experienced by the poem's subject. 

Discuss the theme of anti-colonialism in Arpha Behn’s “Oroonoko”.

    Aphra Behn's “Oroonoko” is a novella that tells the story of an African prince who is captured and enslaved by the British. The novella is often regarded as one of the earliest works of anti-colonial literature, and it reflects Behn's complex and nuanced attitude towards colonialism. 

Critically comment on Emily Dickinson’s obsession with death/ theme of Death.

    Emily Dickinson is one of the most celebrated poets in American literature, known for her unique style and her exploration of themes such as nature, love, and death. One of the most prominent themes in Dickinson's work is the theme of death, which she explores with a sense of fascination and obsession. Dickinson's religious setting is indicated by her religious viewpoint, which forms the source of her obsession with death. Although Dickinson is a pious person who believes in the inexorableness of death and eternal life, she is an eccentric as she is skeptical and inquisitive about the nature of death. In this article, we will critically analysis on Dickinson's obsession with death and the theme of death in her poetry.

How the Poem “Don Juan” is a Satire?

    Don Juan is a satirical poem written by the famous poet Lord Byron. The poem is a witty and humorous critique of the society, culture, and politics of the 19th century. Don Juan is a mock epic and satirizes the poetic trends of the time which disparages bravery, ethics, and man-woman correlation.

Symbolism in the Poem “Lamb” by William Blake.

William Blake's poem "The Lamb" is a beautiful and thought-provoking work that is rich in symbolism. The poem is part of Blake's larger collection of poems called "Songs of Innocence" which explores the themes of childhood, innocence, and the natural world. Blake uses the symbol of the lamb to draw an image of innocence in his poem “The Lamb”. Here the lamb is a symbol of Jesus Christ and the lamb is a symbol of life also. It provides humans with food, clothing, and other things humans need to stay alive.

Examine Swift’s use of Lemuel Gulliver as a Narrator and an Observer in the novel “Gulliver's Travels”.

    Jonathan Swift's novel Gulliver's Travels is a work of literary fiction that was first published in 1726. The novel is a complex work that explores a variety of themes, including the idea of human nature and the role of society in shaping human behavior. In this novel Swift's use Lemuel Gulliver as a narrator and an observer. Gulliver's story line are inquisitive and pragmatic- Gulliver's ability as a narrator is surprising. To arouse our attention and give authenticity to his depictions, he tells dramatic incidents and comical anecdotes. Gulliver as a moral judge- He is presented by Swift as a moral judge and a commentator.

Describe Aphra Behn’s attitude towards slavery as expressed in “Oroonoko”.

    Aphra Behn's “Oroonoko” is a novella that tells the story of an African prince who is captured and enslaved by the British. The novella is often regarded as one of the earliest works of anti-slavery literature, and it reflects Behn's complex and nuanced attitude towards slavery. At first, Oroonoko refuses the concept that he worthy of better treatment, and he resigns himself to be treated like the other slaves— but this never occurs, of course.

Tuesday 10 October 2023

Summary of the poem “To His Coy Mistress” by Andrew Marvell.

    Andrew Marvell's poem "To His Coy Mistress"is a classic example of a carpe diem poem, a type of poem that encourages the reader to seize the day and live life to the fullest. The poem is a passionate plea from the speaker to his lover, urging her to seize the moment and enjoy the pleasures of love while they still can. It is a metaphysical poem in which the speaker tries to convince his resistant lover that they should have sexual intercourse. He describes that if they had all the time in the world, he would have no problem with their relationship moving this slowly. 

Write a Critical Appreciation of the Poem “Felix Randal” by Gerard Manley Hopkins

    Gerard Manley Hopkins' poem "Felix Randal" is a tribute to a blacksmith who the speaker knew personally. The poem is characterized by Hopkins' unique style of language and structure, which convey a sense of both reverence and sorrow. In this article, we will explore the critical appreciation of "Felix Randal" and how Hopkins' use of language and structure contribute to its emotional impact.

Symbolism in the Poem “Tyger” by William Blake.

    William Blake's "The Tyger" is a poem that is rich in symbolism. The most influential symbol in the poem 'The Tyger' is the tiger itself: the animal carries significant symbolism in their own right. The tiger is a symbol of supremacy, power, and ferocity. The reappearance of the sound "Tyger" all over the poem emphasizes the central importance.The poem explores the nature of creation and existence through the use of powerful imagery and symbolism. 

Tuesday 3 October 2023

Summary and Analysis of William Blake's Poem “The Tyger”.

    William Blake's "The Tyger" is a poem that explores the nature of creation and existence. The poem is part of Blake's larger collection of poems called "Songs of Experience" which explores the darker aspects of human nature and existence. 

Monday 2 October 2023

Comment on the Themes of Commerce in the Novel “Robinson Crusoe.”

   Crusoe is first characterized as a man defined by money and regulated by economic theory. To consider Robinson Crusoe as a crucial aspect due to the economic structure of the novel. The act and progress of Robinson’s voyage seems to be the work of a businessman, who involves in the dealing of money and prosperity. Crusoe loves to trade for this his life begins and ends as a businessman. Even when eliminate from society, he is impelled to perform many economic principles, such as moderation, venture and the thought of earning. The economic allusion of the novel will come out, if we talk about the foremost actions of Crusoe’s life.

Comment on the Spiritual Regeneration of Robinson Crusoe.

    Daniel Defoe's “Robinson Crusoe” is a novel that tells the story of a man who is shipwrecked on a deserted island and forced to survive on his own. The novel is a complex work that explores a variety of themes, including the spiritual regeneration of the protagonist.

Discuss “The Scholar Gipsy” as a Pastoral Elegy.

    Matthew Arnold's "The Scholar Gipsy" is a complex poem that has been interpreted in a variety of ways. One of the most compelling readings of the poem is as a pastoral elegy. The poem is characterized by its exploration of the beauty and simplicity of rural life, as well as its elegiac tone. 

Sunday 1 October 2023

Write a Note on the Theme of Sin, Punishment and Repentance in “Robinson Crusoe.”

    Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe is a novel that tells the story of a man who is shipwrecked on a deserted island and forced to survive on his own. The novel is a complex work that explores a variety of themes, including sin, punishment, and repentance. Here, we will examine the theme of sin, punishment, and repentance in Robinson Crusoe and how it contributes to the overall impact of the novel.