
Sunday 31 July 2022

Give an Estimate of the Character of Nicola in “Arms and the Man”.

Nicola is a servant of the Major Petkoffs. Through him Shaw satirizes the bad system of master and servant. Nicola serves as a contrast to Louka, the maid-servant of the Petkoffs house. Nicola has the soul of a servant. But Louka has a natural dignity and a lofty sense of equality with her employers. Shaw has described Nicola as "a middle aged man of cool temperament and low but clear and keen intelligence". Nicola is loyal, obedient and faithful. He has not the revolutionary zeal of Louka. He is a man of practical wisdom. He is never, like Louka, defiant to his master and mistress. He is always humble in his dealings with them. As a servant he is very capable and successful. Bluntschli rightly remarks: "Nicola is the ablest man I've met in Bulgaria."

Character of Nicola in “Arms and the Man”:

Nicola is shrewd. He knows the secrets of Raina. But he remains silent. He never dreams of disobeying his master and mistress. Louka is engaged to him. He always wants to please his employers. He wants to get as much money out of them as possible and then to marry Louka and start a shop. This is his only aim in life. He always warns Louka that if she quarrels with the family, he never can marry her.


Nicola is a good judge of character. Commercial gain is his main concern. He understands that Louka's marriage with Sergius would be highly profitable for him. So he does not oppose Louka's marriage with Sergius.

Nicola is one of Shaw's "commonsense" characters. Nicola always remains unemotional and unsentimental. He is not interested in the romance of love and marriage. He is a typical servant and a practical man of the world. His only aim in life is to make himself an established man in Bulgaria.

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