English Literature: Shaw's Ann is both a Type and Individual in "Man and Superman".

Friday 5 August 2022

Shaw's Ann is both a Type and Individual in "Man and Superman".

The creation of Ann Whitefield is a one of the landmark achievements of the dramatist George Bernard Shaw. Through the character of Ann, Shaw represents his own thought and role of woman. The entire action of Man and Superman revolves round Ann. Ann is both type and individual. Ann represents every woman but every woman is not Ann. In Man and Superman, Shaw puts forth his idea of Life Force. In that sense, Ann is the agent of Life Force. This idea tends the reader to think Ann both as an individual being and as a typical woman with some vital genius.

Character Analysis of Ann:

Ann is a beautiful woman, perfectly ladylike, graceful and comely, with ensnaring eyes and hair and in Saw's own word Ann is one of the vital geniuses. At the very beginning she is introduced as possessing typical womanhood. Apparently, she seems to be playing the stereotyped passive roles as the dutiful daughter as Ramsden save "She is wonderfully dutiful girl. Her father's desire would be sacred in her" and "I don't believe she has ever since given her own wish as a reason for doing anything." Ann herself is found in engaging such role when she says-- "Father wishes me" or Mother wouldn't like it" She is also the embodiment of a romantic dream of Octavius eyes as a typical beloved. To Octavius, "She is an enchantingly beautiful woman, in whose presence the world becomes transfigured."


According to the law of nature, the role of woman is to produce the next generation and for this she must pursue a man to be fit for fulfilling her desire. This is the typical characteristic of woman. As the typical woman, Ann has her dream of having a man and a family of her own. By using her emotive faculty, a woman can persuade a man and Ann is no different. She convinces Ramsden when he refuses to be her guardian with Tanner and Tanner has also no option other than being her guardian though he knows well that "Ann will do just exactly what she likes. And what's more, she'll force us to advise her to do it, and she'll put the blame on us if it turns out badly." And at last he agrees to marry her though he fears marriage as it makes a man slave. So, she is the huntress like other women and in this respect her genius is like the other common woman desiring maternity.

While Ann shares the above common characteristics of woman, her role in respect of Creative Evolution and implementation of Life force that makes her an individual. She is a vital genius. In romantic view, women are supposed to be weak and subject to persuasion. But in Shaw's view, women are stronger and, with their power, they can make a man slave. As Tanner says, women are nature's contrivance for the perpetration of the human race. An agent of life force, therefore, pursues a perfect man as the breeding with a selective person can produce a superman. Ann is the representation of Shavian thought. Under the influence of the blind fury of creation she seeks a biologically desirable male as her mate. Therefore, she does not act romantically as other women might do. She is thoughtful and sensible but not emotional which controls common women. For this, she rejects Octavius as he holds only romantic views. Ann wants Octavius to remain bachelor for her sake and tells him, "A broken heart is very pleasant compliant for a man in London if he has a comfortable income." It is the sign of her individuality which shows  that she is not guided by emotion. Ann rightly seeks for Tanner who satisfies every requirement Ann wants to have a father for superman. She is that individual who thinks for the society and next generation and he rejects Octavius though she has the idea that Octavius may make her happy. But it is only Tanner who is suitable to be her husband and the father her child.

So, Ann represents herself as individual being with some sharing characteristics of common woman. She possesses considerable originality in her character. She is a vital woman and in some respect completely different from others. She is witty with a command of speech. She has the capacity to take the control over all situations. All these make her a woman of new outlook.

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