English Literature: Discuss the Pagan and Christian Element in "Beowulf".

Saturday 13 May 2023

Discuss the Pagan and Christian Element in "Beowulf".

    The Anglo-Saxon literature before the advent of Christianity in England was Pagan or secular. Beowulf bears testimony that it is the work of a Pagan poet which was modified by a Christian monk. The heroic qualities of pre Christian Germanic culture are mingled with Anglo-Saxon Christianity. In other words the Pagan and Christian elements came together in Beowulf.

Pagan Element in "Beowulf":

    Pagan elements abound in Beowulf. The dreadful aspects of nature and heroism of Beowulf points out the Pagan aspects of the poem. Beowulf follows to find out Grandel's mother. Every night seems like fire in water. The wild natural description and heroic feats of Beowulf echo the heroic age of the Pagan.

    Beowulf receives a Pagan burial. The custom of Beowulf's cremations is Pagan. His asheses were burried in a magnificent mound. There are references to heathen gods like the heaven, the earth, the father, the mother etc. link up Beowulf with Anglo-Saxon poetry. Moreover, the praise of worldly glory that we find in Beowulf is also Pagan.

    Beowulf also contains fragments and allusions taken from pagan mythology. And the use of the mythological stories gives the poem a touch of paganism.

Christian Element in "Beowulf"

    There is no overt and covert reference to Christ and Christianity in Beowulf. Christian saints, holy relics or Christian worship were absent an unthinkable in the poem of the middle age. In fact, the poem was completely a pagan poem. In spite of the fact some Christian element may be traced in Beowulf. For example, in Heorot was visited by the monster Grandel. Religious songs were sung to get rid of the monster. Grandel appears as a devil from the hell. The prayers offered by the Danes to their gods are of no avail. They failed to worship the lord of heaven. The reference to the lord of heaven has some elements of Christianity. The Anglo-Saxon believed in gods and goddesses of fate known as wyrd. But with the advent of Christianity their faith was changed and they began to believe in the will of God. The faith in the will of God is Christian in deed.

    After Beowulf's victory over Grandel, Hrothgar prays like a true Christian. He wishes good thing for Beowulf. In the encounter of Beowulf with the fire dragon, there is reliance on God. It was believed that he who relies on God in all occasion received God's protection and can easily come out of the problems of life.

    There are some Biblical references in Beowulf. The giants before the flood or the Noah's Deluge and Satan are some of the Biblical references in the poem. Beowulf is the hero of the poem. He embodies the characteristics of two cultures-primitive Germanic and the advent of Christian culture. He seems to believe the Christian idea of eternal bliss. He denounces all earthly rewards. He fought for his personal honour but he was totally committed t the service of his people. He saves them from the enemy of God. He offers thanks to the creation for his victory against the monster. Therefore, we can say Pagan elements and Christian belief co-exist in Beowulf.


  1. Imran Shinwari19 June 2023 at 22:13

    Thank you so much for providing the characteristics in a nutshell.. Keep up the great work.
