
Sunday 10 November 2013

Nature as a Chief Actor in Drama

Nature as a Chief Actor in Drama

Synge is an exception, where drama is blended with nature mysticism. If some dramatists tried to maintain the balance between the two, the output was not much brilliant. Greeks to the

beauty of nature is charming us all which is a chief actor in drama.

Elizabethan, many writers tried their hand in combining dramatic poetry with nature, it remained quite distinct from the unique style of Synge. For Synge nature is not only a background or a setting to charm the
eyes of the audience but also an actor whose role is essential for the existence of the drama i.e. a chief actor or a protagonist is not else but a nature is sometimes friendly and then cruel at the other moment. Irishman even today, are very much attached to their rural background and every minute thing on the Island may be it is mountain or sea, has the capacity to arouse their emotions. Even when Synge visited The Aran Island for the first time, he found in the Islands a strange love for every thing which is within the nature. But the most striking element was their acceptance of every state of nature, whether it is claim or it is harsh. Synge a man with dramatic mind, could not ignore this feature of the people and he portrayed the two sided aspect of nature, in his plays.

1 comment:

  1. It refers to theatre that attempts to create an illusion of reality through a range of dramatic and theatrical strategies.
