English Literature: June 2023

Friday, 30 June 2023

Write a Short note on Middle English Romance.

Middle English Romance:

    Middle English Romances were entertaining stories of Anglo- Norman period. They were French in origin. Before the time of Mallory these legendary tales of Norman and Teutonic were written in verse. These were written at first by Norman poets. These were fascinating tales. In other words, these Romances were stories of thrilling, adventure, and supernatural. And the sources of these Romances were the matter of French, Matter of Rome and Matter of Britain.

What was the Norman Conquest of England?

Norman Conquest of England:

    The Norman Conquest of England in 1066 is an event of great significance in the life of Anglo-Saxon people and their literature. The Norman were races of Pagan Danes. They had affinity with the Anglo- Saxon. When the Danes became the masters of French province call Normandy and Saxons, they settled in the island. In 1066 William the duke of Normandy claimed the English crown on the death of King Edward the confessor. He invaded England with a large army. Harold, the English king, marched to the south of the country. He took up position on a hill about six miles from Hestings, where the Norman's found him. A battle took place which is known as Battle of Hastings. The Saxons army was destroyed. Norman archers killed their enemies including Harold Godwinson; the king himself. William became free to march to London and claimed himself as the king of England. This is how English suffered a defeat on the field of Hastings. 

Give an Account of the Treatment of Nature in Old English Poetry.

Treatment of Nature in Old English Poetry:

    Nature has always been a significant issue in the study of English poetry. The emotional responses of the poets have always been reflected in their poet's description of nature. The literature of old English period bears a testimony to the fact that Old English life was closely influenced by the natural phenomenon the hostility of the sea influenced the life of the Old English people. People struggled for their survival. Therefore, adoration of nature is reflected in the works of Old English literature.

What is the effect of the Norman Conquest on English Literature?

The Normans were originally a strong race of sea-rovers inhabiting Scandinavia. The Normans brought with them the culture and ideals of French civilization to England. They also brought new Language and literature which the English gradually absorbed. In fact, Saxon French combined together produced modern English. About three centuries after the Norman Conquest, English was not used for literary purpose. It seems the conquest destroyed English literature. Poetry suffered more than prose. However, a new literature seems to have been produced in England during the Middle English period.

Discuss the Form and Style of Middle English Period.

Form and Style of Middle English Period: 

One of the main features of this period is the development of metre which replaced Old English poetry. Different kinds of poems were written in Middle English Period for example-Laymond Brut wrote alliterative metre. King Horn, Havloc the Dane are some of the earliest romances where we find the competent use of metre.