English Literature: How is Caesar Assassinated in the Senate House?

Tuesday 13 February 2018

How is Caesar Assassinated in the Senate House?

Caesar Assassinated in the Senate House

Caesar, accompanied by Antony, Lepidus and two senators as well as the conspirators, enters, passing through the crowd-lined street to the Capitol. Artemidorus gives Caesar his, petition, containing the list of the conspirators but Caesar does not read it because Decius gives him another. Artemidorus protests, saying that his is the more important as it affects Caesar directly, but Caesar says this is the very reason for reading it last.
Caesar Assassinated in the Senate House

The group enters the Capitol and Popilius, who seems to have found out about the plot, joins Caesar. This worries Cassius as he fears the conspirators are about to be caught, but Brutus assures him they are safe. Trebonius draws Antony away while Metellus approaches Caesar with a petition Metellus wants his brothers banishment repealed but Caesar tells him not to beg. Brutus joins the appeal, kneeling at Caesars feet, yet Caesar remains firm like the northern star. Then Casca, in seeming desperation, strikes the first dagger blow at the back of Caesars neck. He bungles his aim through excitement, but the others press in and repeatedly stab Caesar, who, when he sees Brutus among them, ceases to resist, and takes the blows. As Brutus attacks him,-he utters his last words Et tu Brute?-Then fall, Caesar!’ Then Caesar dies. He is killed at the foot of Pompey’s statue. This is very ironic as Caesar himself defeated Pompey in battle to take power in Rome.

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